One Mistake You Should Never Make On Your Wedding Day

A wedding day together with 4 daughters, 2 nephews and 2 tag along friends to keep 2 of our teens happy is one busy wedding day.

Something is sure to go amiss.

Chris and Uncle Gerry (yes, famous Uncle Gerry – read here to know why) got their heads together to develop a fail proof plan to keep all the kids busy the morning of the wedding. Two guys, no sports to watch, why not go fishing?

Pumped, the duo collect the kids and off they go. Proud of themselves, they find a dreamy river where they all bait up and begin this bonding moment, a memory to cherish for years to come. Fishing together, laughing together, splashing together, the wedding day begins as two families blend and become one.

Excited to share their fishing stories and ready to return for the wedding, Chris and Uncle Gerry do a final head count. The number of kids don’t add up. Confused and a tad bewildered, Chris and Uncle Gerry recount and then look at each other with total fear in their eyes.

They have left 1 of the 4 daughters behind at the hotel!

They had completely forgot to pick her up and take her fishing. And to add fuel to the fire, none of the other kids had even noticed!

With their fishing rods tucked behind their legs, they returned to the hotel to face her.  Having discovered her fate, left alone at the altar so to speak, she had put on her happy face and spent some time with her nana and the other seniors.

Fortunately, humour was what was on tap that day and most was forgiven. Well… almost most… the word “fishing” still tends to interrupt the smooth flow of our blended family as we relive that moment, laughing hysterically at how that could have happened. .

Do you have a story to share on wedding mishaps? I would love to hear it. For one more of our’s, read here. 


  1. restlessjo · May 28, 2015

    Looks like a happy day anyway 🙂

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  2. arwynundomiel · May 27, 2015

    Weddings are the single most concentrated way to offend as many people as possible. I loved mine and had so much fun when the day was over, I wanted to rewind it and do it all over again. But the most important thing I could impart to other brides is that something will go wrong. No matter how much planning and attention to detail has gone into the day, not everything will go off without a hitch. Accept this in advance and you’ll have much more fun. My little ring bearer delivered his goods to the best man, then ran back down the aisle, swinging the pillow my mother had made with an antique handkerchief over his head by the ribbons. Everyone laughed, including me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lovetotrav · May 27, 2015

      I agree. You have to just laugh at it and know that some stuff is just not within your control. Your little ring bearer sounds like he was quite the hoot!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hilarious! Can you tell I’m catching up on my blog feed? lol

    Liked by 1 person

  4. sirannaangel · May 24, 2015

    and I thought leaving behind a pair of shoes tragic!

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  5. Mom of 3 · May 22, 2015

    Oops! (Hit post by mistake) Made a few children cry. Not quite what we were going for!

    Liked by 1 person

    • lovetotrav · May 22, 2015

      Hilarious! So hard to figure out all the details ahead of time. But crying is definitely not what you wanted!! I can just picture that.

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  6. Mom of 3 · May 22, 2015

    Beautiful photo! We did a catered Hawaiian themed dinner for our wedding. We did not realize the pig would be laid out whole, complete with apple in its mouth. It

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  7. Anonymous · May 22, 2015

    hahahaha!!!! what a memorable day / wedding weekend that was :)))) absolutely perfect

    uncle gerry

    Liked by 1 person

    • lovetotrav · May 22, 2015

      Yes, you seem to have a way of making our lives memorable Gerry 🙂


  8. Allyson · May 21, 2015

    By far one of the most memorable parts of the wedding! Luckily uncle Gerry made it up to Jade the next day and took her on a special outing during the power outage! And then we went on the crazy whale watching tour that got us put on the website!

    Liked by 1 person

    • lovetotrav · May 21, 2015

      Yes our moment of fame and in the huge metropolis of Pleasant Bay as well!


  9. Paige Hamilton · May 21, 2015

    Sounds like the daughter left behind handled it well … and it makes for a cute wedding story to tell! I once left my oldest child at church. I thought he had decided to leave with his grandparents. Unfortunately, upon arriving back at my parents’ home, I quickly realized he had not been with them. Of course, I immediately raced back to the church to get him. To this day, he brings up this awful failing of mine, ensuring he will get full mileage from the fact that he was forgotten at church. LOL!

    Liked by 1 person

    • lovetotrav · May 21, 2015

      Our’s does too… fishing is like her code word to instill guilt!


  10. joannesisco · May 21, 2015

    The daughter left behind must be made of pretty special stuff to have been able to put a brave face on it and get past the ‘abandonment’. Bravo 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • lovetotrav · May 21, 2015

      Yes, she most definitely is. It has always been a strength area of her’s. And she has a fantastic sense of humour too so she could see how it might happen in the chaos of the wedding preparations.

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  11. nylonliving · May 20, 2015

    My father came from a large family and one kid or other was always being forgotten. Perils of having more than two kids (one for each hand).

    Liked by 1 person

    • lovetotrav · May 20, 2015

      Yes, I can see that happening 🙂 I am a teacher and that is my biggest fear on field trips. I am constantly counting heads. When they are your own, it might be a little less stressful.

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  12. bestthingsinlife1964 · May 20, 2015

    Too funny. These things make the best wedding stories for years to come. My son fell asleep on a chair during our wedding. Jet lag. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Faraday's Candle · May 20, 2015

    Mishaps seem to always be the most memorable. No matter how beautiful the wedding, who can forget the wedding cake falling and hitting the floor or any other mishap….lol. Congrats.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. emilia m. · May 20, 2015

    nope, other than my hairdresser not showing up to work at that day (thank goodness that the other one wasn’t too bad and could understand from my stuttering what the heck I wanted done with my hair) – everything went smooth… 😉 Because I am not counting the fact that the groom’s parents did not speak the same language (and I mean literally 😉 as the bride’s… 🙂 AND they had no clue what was going on at times – did not know the tradition 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • lovetotrav · May 20, 2015

      It sounds like an interesting day… maybe quiet? Ha Ha. Glad to hear the hairdresser came through. Hair is important!

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      • emilia m. · May 20, 2015

        I don’t think it was that complicated – it was more that I panicked, you know, because the HAIRDRESSER did not show up!!! 🙂 In the matter of fact I could probably do the same hair by myself, nothing to it, but that was the wedding day 😉
        and nope, there is no such thing as quiet neither in mine nor my hubby’s family 😀 Just quite funny situations, and thank goodness for the sense of humor on both sides 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  15. joanfrankham · May 20, 2015

    Well, I might have a story in a few months, my daughter is getting married on 1 July, and there could be ex partners /out-laws attending so who knows how the day will go!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • lovetotrav · May 20, 2015

      Best of luck and hopefully there will not be too many mishaps. Your “out-laws” comment made me laugh!

      Liked by 1 person

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