Destinations Travelled To

North America

Canada, United States, Mexico

Central America

Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua,Costa Rica, Trinidad

South America

Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Suriname, French Guiana


India, Nepal, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, South Korea

Middle East

Morocco, Egypt


South Africa, Lesotho, Mozambique, Swaziland, Namibia


Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France, Italy, Greece, Czech Republic, Liechtenstein, England, Belgium, Monaco, Vatican City


  1. WhenInTurkey · May 15, 2015

    The fact you haven’t been to Turkey is a travelers crime! I am placing you under travelers arrest until you go! ;)! I don’t say this only out of bias, I have only been to a few countries myself (Austria, Switzerland, Germany, France, Italy….and I’m from the US so I’ve been all around there) but of them all, by far, Turkey was the best. If you have the chance, visit Izmir. That’s where my hubby is from, and it is less frantic than Istanbul, but still very touristy so you can get around without Turkish…

    I hope to see a post about your planning to go there soon ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Liked by 1 person

    • lovetotrav · May 15, 2015

      Ha Ha! I agree ๐Ÿ™‚ It has been on the list forever. Soon moving to Cairo, so I will get there in a year or 2 at the latest. With it being so close, how could I not??? I really want about a week in Istanbul and then some time in Cappadocia. Izmir.. I will look into it. If it is the summer, I think I will avoid the heavier tourist spots although how can you in Istanbul, unless you go in the winter?


      • WhenInTurkey · May 15, 2015

        Absolutely true! I liked Istanbul, don’t get me wrong…but I also had the huge benefit of traveling with three turks, one being my hubby and the other two being a couple that he was friends with that were FROM Istanbul- so we had free lodging and a knowing hand to guide us. Still, like most tourist hot spots, tourists tend to trample the authenticity of a foreign destination. When you are in Turkey- you must try the amazing food! Don’t go to a restaurant, go to the carts and stands. Be sure to try doner, kokorec, cig kofte, and midye…Dont ask what they are, just eat it haha ๐Ÿ˜‰ Happy travels! Can’t wait to read about Cairo in the future!!

        Liked by 1 person

      • lovetotrav · May 15, 2015

        Thanks so much. Sounds like you would have had the best experience being with locals who speak the language. Yes, food cart food is usually the best and most authentic and cheapest! Happy travels to you too! Cheryl


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