T is for Two

When it comes to travel, I prefer two to one.

Solo travel and me are like oil and vinegar. Ok but not the perfect blend.

Travelling together is like salt and vinegar. Great and the perfect blend, especially for potato chips, that is.

It Takes Two To Travel 

Travelling together from A to Z.

Do you prefer to travel alone or with someone else?

G is for Gorgeous

It was more of an “I” day today; specifically, I is for Indecisive.

You see, I couldn’t decide between gorgeous, giving, grim and gobsmacked. Gobsmacked was the front runner until Chris shot it down. Since I don’t use it, ever, he thought is was strange to begin now. In the meantime, I am gobsmacked that I have chosen Gorgeous instead 🙂

A glimpse of gorgeous in the world. At least, according to me.

Colombia and Peru 2014 271

old 1734SDC10301old 878jade's europe trip school berlin prague krakow budapest 262italy 025cheryl class grade 3 2013 460posada-de-santiagocambodia and india 5362015-04-07 14.04.09270222_10151330827302390_739386156_n395275_10151136936737390_1624949225_nColombia and Peru 2014 512Colombia and Peru 2014 2052015-04-07 14.03.40IMG_2576italy 015Colombia and Peru 2014 239

Boston 2011 039Which picture speaks “gorgeous” to you?

Happy travels from Cheryl and The Family C – moving from A to Z

Loving Laundry: When It Is Not Mine

When I look at my more recent travel photos, I notice a few things.

  • I still can’t take good photos 🙂 but I try (an “A” for effort, a “C” for results)
  • I take photos of everyday things, in fact, things I would never take photos of in Canada – doors, people cycling, people walking, people talking, people eating, us eating, and yes, even laundry
  • I take fewer photos of the regular “touristy” things like ruins, forts, museums, statues and on and on…

Having grown up with a historian as a father, I think I have rebelled. There is something about being “dragged” to every fort in Canada, that makes me, well, a little less engaged in that side of life, and more inclined to the present everyday kind of life.

So this is how it came to be that I have recently started taking photos of laundry, other people’s, of course. And oh how I wish, that I had done so, when I was younger and travelling more, but well… in those days… my focus was more on me, how I looked, who I met, and where to have fun. Any recent photos of me travelling indicates this is no longer the case!

Yes, things change even as a traveller. So here’s to me, now, a somewhat older traveller, who loves laundry, when it’s not mine.

How it all begins.. sometimes in a lake (Lake Atitlan, Guatemala)

How it all begins.. sometimes in a lake (Lake Atitlan, Guatemala)

Laundry in Venice (of course, it looks beautiful)

Laundry in Venice (of course, it looks beautiful)

Laundry in Chefchaouen, Morocco (everything in Chef is gorgeous)

Laundry in Chefchaouen, Morocco (everything in Chef is gorgeous)

Laundry in oh so sweet, Isla Janitzio in Mexico

Laundry in oh so sweet, Isla Janitzio in Mexico

Laundry in Ollantaytambo, Peru ( a bit more on the rustic side)

Laundry in Ollantaytambo, Peru ( a bit more on the rustic side)

Laundry in Jardin, Colombia

Laundry in Jardin, Colombia

Laundry in interesting shapes

Laundry in interesting shapes

Even backpackers have to do laundry, but it is never as pretty as the locals' laundry

Even backpackers have to do laundry, but it is never as pretty as the locals’ laundry

And, oh I know that the anticipation is almost too much to bear, but more laundry posts – Middle Eastern style – are on the horizon. I can’t wait 🙂